How to Be Authentic, Practice Self Compassion, and Take Up Space

This conversation is between myself and an incredible woman named Ani, who shares how she learned how to be authentic, practice self-compassion, and take up space without guilt or shame through my 6-month group coaching program, Homecoming. Ani is a model for how to excavate internalized misogyny and live authentically without fear of others’ opinions. The conversation originally took place on my podcast, The Path Home.

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I'm a Self Care Coach and I Always Use This Self Care Tip

As a self care coach, schedule buffering is one of my go to self care tips after a big presentation, after a work trip, after solo parenting, after a holiday party, and after any sort of transition. I make sure to enter slowly. I don't over commit. I leave LOTS of space for me to take it easy and move at a slower pace rather than slamming into the next thing after having just put so much out.

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Making a New Year’s weight-loss resolution? Read this

We are all familiar with the ever-so-popular New Year, New You weight loss resolution. We hop on board under the guise that we’re taking better care of ourselves and that this is THE YEAR we’re going to get back to our “pre” weight (pre-wedding, pre-baby, pre-pandemic) and finally look the way we want to.

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Jamie Greenwood