Being harder on yourself is not the cure for feeling like you're not enough.

Here we are with half of 2021 gone and I wonder, how are we all really doing? How are we recovering as we emerge back into the world and what kind of a job are we doing to take care of ourselves through what is still a very trying time?

So much of the care we need comes down to self-kindness and yet what I notice again and again is just how damn hard we are on ourselves.



We beat ourselves up for every minor infraction, believing we should have done better, known better, looked better or recovered quicker. We're also hard on ourselves for simply being who we are and believing this current version of ourselves is somehow wrong, a mess and needs to be fixed...pronto.

Unfortunately we've been trained to believe beating ourselves up will make us stronger and tougher. We've also accepted the lie that self criticism is necessary to keep us in check, humble and striving for embetterment. (Heaven forbid we like ourselves and want to share our gifts!)

The truth is, being hard on ourselves only compounds our suffering and keeps us in spirals of self-doubt, shame, guilt and believing we're never doing enough.

We don't need to be harder on ourselves to get what we want out of life.

What we need is to remember, deep in our bones, that we are capable, loving, and dedicated people who are always doing the best we can. Once we know that, self-kindness seems to find its way to us.

All my love you and take good care today.



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